Respeecher Voice Marketplace opens new possibilities in voice technology. With it, everyone can get Hollywood-quality AI voices to transform their creative projects. Whether you're a filmmaker, musician, content creator, or game developer, our platform offers trusted tools like voice generators or voice makers.

Respeecher Technologies

With Speech-to-Speech (STS) capabilities, you can convert your speech into perfect voiceovers, dub media projects, or create captivating ads and vocals for songs. You can also try using Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology, which transforms text into the most expressive, natural-sounding AI-powered voices available on the market.

Explore the ease of voice conversion with over 100 natural voices, an easy-to-use interface, and complete creative control. Join us in spicing every industry with AI voices while upholding ethics and security excellence.

In short, Respeecher Marketplace lets you create Hollywood-quality text-to-speech and speech-to-speech conversions in just a few minutes.

Getting started with the Voice Marketplace

Here’s how you can get started with the marketplace

  1. Go to
  2. Click Try for free.
  3. Fill out the Create Account form.
    Alternatively, you can sign up with Facebook, Apple, or LinkedIn.
  4. Carefully read Terms of Use and tick the I have read the Terms of Use checkbox.
  5. Carefully read the Ethics Policy and tick I acknowledge… checkbox.
    Ethical use of AI voices is very important to us.
  6. If requested, confirm your email.
    To do this, go to the email you’ve entered in the Create Account form, find an e-mail from Respeecher, open it and click on the confirmation link inside.
    Haven’t received an email yet? Check your spam folder.
  7. On the Welcome page, choose what you want to try and convert first.


From here, you can:

You will have a 3-day free trial to discover all the amazing features of the app. After that, you can click Upgrade Plan to choose a Respeecher plan that best fits your needs.

Go to Voice Marketplace

Got questions or need help? Check out our FAQs or click Get Help in the top right menu to send us a message.

Grant Reaber
Grant Reaber
Head of Research and Co-founder
Grant Reaber is Head of Research and co-founder of Respeecher, an Emmy-awarding voice cloning technology company based in Ukraine. Respeecher makes technology that lets one person speak in the voice of another. For instance, if you are dubbing a movie, one actor can voice two characters, or the same character can be voiced by two actors. Dr Reaber is an acknowledged expert in deep learning, especially generative models of speech. Dr Reaber did his P.hD. at the University of Aberdeen and his Masters degrees at Carnegie Mellon University.
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